
Dosage Package Per Item Per Pack Order

10 mg

30 Tabs $0.54 $54.00
60 Tabs $0.51 $102.00
90 Tabs $0.48 $144.00

You must have heard about a disease called depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Well, these two are just a drop in the ocean of mental disorders which have crippled a big chunk of the population of today’s generation. Basically, in the earlier days, the lifestyle diseases were thought to be the most dangerous diseases of all.

Buspar (buspirone hydrochloride) 10 mg Tablets

Buspar (buspirone hydrochloride) 10 mg Tablets

Be it obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, erectile dysfunction or any other lifestyle disease, these were thought to be crucial and lethal for the healthy well being of a person. But, nowadays as the life has become faster and there is no time for a person to get ample amount of sleep and rest, mental diseases are becoming the new kind of lifestyle diseases.

So, it is very important that we try to understand and find a feasible medication and cure for the symptoms of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Autism, palpitations, social and general anxiety and many others. According to the leading psychiatrist and doctors in the country, the medicines which are responsible for curing and treating the symptoms of such mental issues are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

In the medical terms, all the root causes for the initiation of mental disorders may be related to the decrement in the level of serotonin in the nervous system. Actually, there are millions and millions of chemical reactions which take place in our brain in each and every second. Due to these chemical reactions, two types of a chemical known as serotonin and dopamine get secreted inside the nervous system of our body. So, if by any misfortune, these minute chemical reactions get imbalanced, the level of serotonin and dopamine reduces in the body and leads to situations like Autism, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So, what these antidepressant medications do is that they tend to bring back all the chemical reactions back to their normal state. So, when the chemical reactions perform perfectly, an accurate amount of serotonin and dopamine get secreted inside the nervous system and due to this, the mind and body remain calm and we get relieved from the symptoms of numerous mental disorders.

Buspar is a medication which is used to treat social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Once you consume Buspar, it enables you to think more clearly, reduces your stresses, relaxes your brain and helps you to take proper and active decisions in your day to day life. Apart from these, it also helps you to reduce your tensions, decrease your fears and jitters and also helps to calm down your brain; as a result of which you are relieved of mental disorders, lack of sleep, palpitations, excessive heart rate and tremendous sweating.

Speaking about the composition of Buspar, the crucial ingredient of this medication is known as buspirone. This is a medication which has been known to cure anxiety and helps to calm down your brain and the nervous system by balancing some of the unbalanced chemical reactions in the brain. Due to such imbalanced chemical reactions in the brain, the amount of serotonin in the brain reduces and forces you to feel jitters, palpitations, anxiety and other mental disorders. So, once you consume a pill of Buspar, the amount of serotonin which is secreted in your brain enhances and relieves you of your stresses, lack of sleep, irritations, social anxieties and other mental issues.

How to consume a pill of Buspar?

Speaking about the consumption of this medicine, it is generally advised by plenty of doctors and psychiatrists that Buspar should be consumed only twice or thrice a day. Apart from this, the doctor or psychologist has the complete authority to alter your dosage and increase the frequency of your consumption. One thing you should be noted regarding this medicine is that you can consume this medicine both with or without your food. But it is very important that you keep on consuming this medication in the exact same way every day, so that the contents and the entire composition of this tablet get absorbed into your metabolism with the same rate.

One thing which is very unique about this medication is that unlike other antidepressant tablets which cannot be split to get the required dosage, a pill of Buspar can easily be cut into half to adjust the dosage according to the instructions by your psychiatrist.

Although you are getting enough benefits from the treatment procedure of Buspar, yet it is strictly advised that you should avoid the consumption of grapefruit or any Citric edible items during your treatment procedure. This is because grapefruit or the citric acid might increase and enhance the amount of buspirone in your metabolism. Such an enhanced amount of the buspirone may lead to an increased production of serotonin in your brain cells. Such an enhanced amount of serotonin in the brain cells may lead to a critical and hazardous condition known as serotonin syndrome, which may lead to catastrophic results.

Does the consumption of Buspar affect pregnant women?

Although not all tricyclic antidepressant drugs have been found to cause harm to the pregnant woman, yet, it is advised that during pregnancy one should refrain herself from the use of such antidepressant drugs. This is because there have been certain evidence that the remains of the antidepressant drugs carry over into the lactating glands and finally to the breast milk. So, once the new-born baby consumes the breast milk from her mother, there might be some side effects to the baby.

Avoid other antidepressants while consuming your prescribed medication.

Similar to all other diseases and their treatment procedures, it is very important that you believe your psychiatrist or doctor. He is obviously a more qualified person than you and has the correct idea of prescribing you the alternatives as well as the particular dosage of each and every medication.

So, if by any unfortunate means, you consume another kind of antidepressant medication to enhance the treatment procedure, then it might lead to a very fatal and lethal issue which is commonly known as serotonin syndrome.